Schnittstelle PeripheralJobHistoryCodes

public interface PeripheralJobHistoryCodes
Defines constants for basic history event codes related to peripheral jobs and documents how the respective supplementary information is to be interpreted.
  • Feldübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    static final String
    An event code indicating a peripheral job has been created.
    static final String
    An event code indicating a peripheral job was marked as being in a final state.
  • Felddetails


      static final String JOB_CREATED
      An event code indicating a peripheral job has been created.

      The history entry's supplement is empty.

      Siehe auch:

      static final String JOB_REACHED_FINAL_STATE
      An event code indicating a peripheral job was marked as being in a final state.

      The history entry's supplement is empty.

      Siehe auch: