Class Path

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Path
extends TCSResource<Path>
Describes a connection between two Points which a Vehicle may traverse.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • Path

      public Path​(java.lang.String name, TCSObjectReference<Point> sourcePoint, TCSObjectReference<Point> destinationPoint)
      Creates a new Path.
      name - The new path's name.
      sourcePoint - A reference to this path's starting point.
      destinationPoint - A reference to this path's destination point.
  • Method Details

    • withProperty

      public Path withProperty​(java.lang.String key, java.lang.String value)
      Description copied from class: TCSObject
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given property integrated.
      Specified by:
      withProperty in class TCSObject<Path>
      key - The key of the property to be changed.
      value - The new value of the property, or null, if the property is to be removed.
      A copy of this object, with the given property integrated.
    • withProperties

      public Path withProperties​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> properties)
      Description copied from class: TCSObject
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given properties.
      Specified by:
      withProperties in class TCSObject<Path>
      properties - The properties.
      A copy of this object, with the given properties.
    • withHistoryEntry

      public TCSObject<Path> withHistoryEntry​(ObjectHistory.Entry entry)
      Description copied from class: TCSObject
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given history entry integrated.
      Specified by:
      withHistoryEntry in class TCSObject<Path>
      entry - The history entry to be integrated.
      A copy of this object, with the given history entry integrated.
    • withHistory

      public TCSObject<Path> withHistory​(ObjectHistory history)
      Description copied from class: TCSObject
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given history.
      Specified by:
      withHistory in class TCSObject<Path>
      history - The history.
      A copy of this object, with the given history.
    • getLength

      public long getLength()
      Return the length of this path (in mm).
      The length of this path (in mm).
    • withLength

      public Path withLength​(long length)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given length.
      length - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • getSourcePoint

      public TCSObjectReference<Point> getSourcePoint()
      Returns a reference to the point which this path originates in.
      A reference to the point which this path originates in.
    • getDestinationPoint

      public TCSObjectReference<Point> getDestinationPoint()
      Returns a reference to the point which this path ends in.
      A reference to the point which this path ends in.
    • getMaxVelocity

      public int getMaxVelocity()
      Return the maximum allowed forward velocity (in mm/s) for this path.
      The maximum allowed forward velocity (in mm/s). A value of 0 means forward movement is not allowed on this path.
    • withMaxVelocity

      public Path withMaxVelocity​(int maxVelocity)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given maximum velocity.
      maxVelocity - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • getMaxReverseVelocity

      public int getMaxReverseVelocity()
      Return the maximum allowed reverse velocity (in mm/s) for this path.
      The maximum allowed reverse velocity (in mm/s). A value of 0 means reverse movement is not allowed on this path.
    • withMaxReverseVelocity

      public Path withMaxReverseVelocity​(int maxReverseVelocity)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given maximum reverse velocity.
      maxReverseVelocity - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • getPeripheralOperations

      public java.util.List<PeripheralOperation> getPeripheralOperations()
      Returns the peripheral operations to be performed when a vehicle travels along this path.
      The peripheral operations to be performed when a vehicle travels along this path.
    • withPeripheralOperations

      public Path withPeripheralOperations​(@Nonnull java.util.List<PeripheralOperation> peripheralOperations)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given peripheral operations.
      peripheralOperations - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • isLocked

      public boolean isLocked()
      Return the lock status of this path (i.e. whether this path my be used by vehicles or not).
      true if this path is currently locked (i.e. it may not be used by vehicles), else false.
    • withLocked

      public Path withLocked​(boolean locked)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given locked flag.
      locked - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • getVehicleEnvelopes

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Envelope> getVehicleEnvelopes()
      Returns a map of envelope keys to envelopes that vehicles traversing this path may occupy.
      A map of envelope keys to envelopes that vehicles traversing this path may occupy.
    • withVehicleEnvelopes

      public Path withVehicleEnvelopes​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​Envelope> vehicleEnvelopes)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given vehicle envelopes.
      vehicleEnvelopes - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • getLayout

      public Path.Layout getLayout()
      Returns the information regarding the grahical representation of this path.
      The information regarding the grahical representation of this path.
    • withLayout

      public Path withLayout​(Path.Layout layout)
      Creates a copy of this object, with the given layout.
      layout - The value to be set in the copy.
      A copy of this object, differing in the given value.
    • isNavigableForward

      public boolean isNavigableForward()
      Checks whether this path is navigable in forward direction.
      true if, and only if, this path is not locked and its maximum forward velocity is not zero.
    • isNavigableReverse

      public boolean isNavigableReverse()
      Checks whether this path is navigable in backward/reverse direction.
      true if, and only if, this path is not locked and its maximum reverse velocity is not zero.
    • isNavigableTo

      public boolean isNavigableTo​(TCSObjectReference<Point> navPoint) throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
      Checks whether this path is navigable towards the given point.
      navPoint - The point.
      If navPoint is this path's destination point, returns isNavigableForward(); if navPoint is this path's source point, returns isNavigableReverse().
      java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the given point is neither the source point nor the destination point of this path.